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What's Up Wednesday?? Has anything changed in wellness in 24 years? Short answer, yes and no.

Writer's picture: LeeAnne LeeAnne

Certified in 1997 and in 2021

I was so excited when I passed my personal trainer's exam in 2021. I was so nervous as I signed up for the test and received the mountains of study materials. OMG so much must have changed I thought. Guess what? Not much had changed. Well, I have a few more wrinkles, and my ability to retain information has dramatically decreased as well but in the area of wellness, only a few things have changed.

MyPlate vs. The Food Pyramid

The government went from using The Food Pyramid ideology until 2011 when the MyPlate movement came about from First Lady Michelle Obama. The visual on the left is easier to understand but still, some Americans were not following the guidelines given the increase in obesity and the medical conditions that accompany excess weight.

Random Wellness and Food info nuggets

  • Life Expectancy has gone from 68 years old in 1950 to 81 years old in 2023

  • Soft drinks have increased in size by 52%

  • Hamburgers have expanded 23%

  • A plate of Mexican food is 27% bigger

  • Pretzels, crackers and chips are 60% bigger

The Nutrition Facts Label/Panel

Six days ago the FDA posted an article about the new Nutrition Facts Label.

"What is the difference between the old and new nutrition labels? What major changes were made? The changes include modifying the list of required nutrients that must be declared on the label, updating serving size requirements, and providing a refreshed design. The current Nutrition Facts label makes it easier for consumers to make informed decisions about the food they eat."

In this day and age of information at our fingertips, I believe a lot of us are living in a state of overwhelm on where or how to jumpstart our wellness plan. Should we juice? Sign up for a marathon? Ack!

The good news is the formula for weight loss has not changed much either. After I assess clients they get their own formula for weight loss and a personalized work out plan.

So to get back to my question has much changed in the field of wellness since I was first certified 24 years ago? Heck yah. We are bombarded on a daily basis with a new way to get healthy or a new pill or injection to take to lose that weight. We are constantly sold a bill of goods IMHO on how easy a pill or injection will make losing weight and equally important, how to keep it off.

If you stick with me I will show you how to fit wellness into your hectic life. No judgement zone here. I assume since you are reading my blog or watching my videos it is because you are seeking ways to get or stay healthy. I keep it very simple so if you want fancy or complicated, this is not the place for you! We are just trying to live our lives in the best way possible in the time we all have here together!

Be well, LeeAnne

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